You decide where
your money goes
There are many people with so many ideas, with so many ideas how we can create a greener world, a healthier world.
It is a Saturday in October. A summer after-sun alternates the hours with autumn rain. A creative lab is taking place at our headquarters in The Hague: a day in which a group of young creative talents collaborates on a work of art inspired by a drive for change.
In the middle of the space, a circle forms where Elten Kiene, Swendeline Ersilia, Rosanne Hustinx, Jermaine Berkhoudt, and Jasper Spobeck engage in conversation on the day's theme: 'A better world starts in your pocket'. Creativity, exchange of ideas, insightful words, and talents from different realms fill the room.
Prompted by Secrid's mission — to inspire change and collaborative change-making — the group creates a work of art: a video paving the road for change and encouraging awareness. After all, what role can you play?

"There are many people with so many ideas, with so many ideas on how we can create a greener world, a healthier world”, wordsmith Swendeline responds, adding these words to her answer:
If you could create the world in a way that you would like,
would you believe me If I would say you could?
That somewhere between
growing concrete
and the urge for green
between fast space quantity
and honoring all humanity
there’s a difference.
That with some courage
there is space.
Secrid believes in the power of evolution and in building lasting relationships.
On that day in October, the creatives gave each other wings, and everything came together. We hope to inspire you with Swendeline's words, Rosanne's illustrations, Jermaine's sound, and Jasper's video edits.
Secrid believes in the power of evolution and in building lasting relationships. We apply this to our products, production, and way of working, which is why we are continuing our collaboration with spoken word artist Elten Kiene this year.
His enthusiasm and infectious creativity helped us set up this creative lab; hosted by Secrid, guided by Elten.
Last year, around the Green Friday day, we asked Elten to find the right words to inspire better choices and choose long-lasting products. He wrote the poem 'It applies to all of us’ — a journey through his own dilemmas.
“for change
we must dare to act differently
and perhaps better
define for ourselves
what the value is
of success’’
This year, Elten’s enthusiasm and infectious creativity helped us set up this creative lab hosted by Secrid and guided by him. Elten led an insightful workshop and guided the creatives in bringing their diverse talents together.
Elten's words from last year still apply today. Listen 'It applies to all of us' here.

A non-commercial day at the Brandstore
Together with like-minded brands – FREITAG, MUD Jeans, RÆBURN, ASKET, flamingos life, Soeder, Oy and Brompton – we say yes to Green Friday and use the opportunity to plead for fair and sustainable consumption with various actions and initiatives.
On November 25th, there will be a non-commercial day at the Brandstore. A day when we will take the time to talk about a better world, about what we can do and how we can inspire each other.
The words by Swendeline and the collaborative artwork inspired us as a brand. We would like to pass this inspiration on. Therefore, On November 25th, we will engrave the quotes from the poem for free in our Brandstore.

Swendeline Ersilia is a poetry writer and spoken word artist.
Elten Kiene is an award-winning spoken word artist, presenter, organizer, and workshop teacher.
Jermaine Berkhoudt is a presenter, programmer, spoken word artist, and sound designer at his company EetieEet.
Rosanne Hustinx is an illustrator and storyteller who encourages people to notice and appreciate the small things. Her dreamy and precise work is inspired by wandering through city streets as well as the peace of nature.
Jasper Spobeck is a director, video content creator and editor, motion graphic designer, and staff-picked instructor on Skillshare.
Die Kraft der kleinen Dinge
Es ist Mittagszeit. Mitgründer René ist heute nicht am Hauptsitz mit seinem Team, sondern zu Hause im Wohnzimmer mit seinen Eltern Gerrie (81) und Joop van Geer (91). Wir unterhalten uns über die Beziehung zwischen Vater und Sohn, über das, was René von seinem Vater gelernt hat, und über das Design der Feder in den Brieftaschen.
Unser Heartquarter
Im Jahr 2009 starteten drei Leute das Secrid-Abenteuer: Marianne, René und Paul. Dreizehn Jahre später besteht unsere kreative Familie aus mehr als 100 Kolleginnen und Kollegen – und wir wachsen stetig weiter.
Das Secrid-team
Wachstum ist einer der Kernwerte von Secrid. Der Schlüssel dazu ist, sich auf seine Stärken zu konzentrieren und seine Talente zu entwickeln. Unser Team besteht aus Persönlichkeiten mit unterschiedlichen Hintergründen, die durch Kreativität, Respekt und Wertschätzung füreinander verbunden sind.
Lernen Sie unsere Secrid-Community kennen
Ich neige zu Zerstreutheit, bin ziemlich chaotisch und verlor immer meine Karten. Der Cardprotector war das perfekte Geschenk, meine Karten sicher zu verwahren.
Meet the Secrid community
Ich fand sie cool und nützlich und kaufte mir ebenfalls eine. Das ist jetzt 10,5 Jahre her und ich liebe meinen Cardprotector bis heute.
Die Industrielle Evolution
Statt „günstiger und schlechter“ müssen neue Produkte entwickelt werden, die „besser, nachhaltiger und wertvoller“ sind als frühere Produkte.